Sacred Meditation Tools


We at Animaqi produce temples of living light. The name "Animaqi" was chosen to represent life force that knows itself. Our temples are embodied archetypes of coherent awareness that can be experienced deeply as they correspond to our humanity and essence.

As tools of light, they can assist with many purposes such as healing practice, meditation, transformation, and with establishing, clearing, and maintaining safe spaces for ourselves and others. Our temples arise from extensive research, prototyping, testing, and inner work. Beings of the Light such as guides, archangels, and certain star beings, have all contributed.

Our temples are small, portable, handy, and useful. The light geometries contained inside are scale-independent and can be experienced at any size from within or without. To construct a similarly temple of light at an architectural scale would be essentially impossible either now or in the past.

Now, a small Animaqi temple can be used to bring temple qualities, healing, and activation into normal structures and spaces which are in common use everywhere. The Animaqi temples are based on our technology which uses a series of 2D geometry layers, working and resonating together, to create living dimensional geometries of light and awareness.

Robert and Karen have worked together to develop these temples and bring them to the world. Robert has a lifetime of exploration of geometry, structure, and a sustained interest in spiritual tools which can express life force. His background includes advanced education in architecture and sustainability and he has worked professionally in innovation and technology roles.

Karen has amazing sensitivity and power as a healer and intuitive. With the temples, her ability to discern the effect of even seemingly very small changes in the design or material were instrumental in their creation. Her process of working with the inner world allows her to introduce others to their own true guidance and protection and to assist with healing, life, and creative challenges.

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